Brief Introduction
A strong opinionated girl decided to make her way into reviewing products and services through her blog. She believes that genuine verdicts can help the companies to improve their performances. What she strongly does not believe in, is those who are constantly agreeing and complimenting a good and/or services without mentioning any limitations.
Author Profile
- October 7th | Malaysian Chinese
- Asian with a tint of Portugal bloodline. (Not that it matters)
- Shoe sizes depends on shoe types
- Sandals: Size 4-6
- Sneakers: Size 5-7
- Anything that can be tied around ankle: Size 5-7
- Observer and Analyzer
- Offset / muted colors are her favorites
Skin Profile
- Combination Skin featuring Eczema
- Dehydrated
- When eczema triggers: Red, flaky, scaly, dark hues, stinging, painful.
- Not acne prone | Does not use whitening products | Only moisturizing and hydrating products
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