Friday, February 28 2025

In Other reviews Review Unboxing ZoelieWho

Blue Yeti Microphone | Unbox, Review (mainly opinions from a female beginner)

Ehlo guys, tis D-TTO :)
About two weeks ago, I placed my order for this Blue Yeti Microphone which can be hardly seen on the rack of the stores in Malaysia. This is precisely the best one I think I could get. A friendly guy here, Mohd Sobri sells these at the price of RM550 in Forum Lowyat. He said to place deposit of RM50 then later you can choose to either bank-in then he post it to you OR c.o.d .

I got this today via COD and he's really a friendly guy :)
(I have to admit that, holding RM500 in a public place is quite scary especially when the crowd is so big due to the Comic Fiesta event placed in KL Convention Centre.
First thing I did when I saw him was to quickly stuff the money to his hand before it disappeared from my palm or pocket aaaaaaaaaaaaaand I kinda scared him XD
Sorry, Sobri :/)

So let's get to the point, as you can see from the picture below, this is how the box looks like.
(I was cleaning the whole room and this space of the table is for reviewing product.
I thought makeup products would be the first buuuuuuuuuut it was the mic instead XD)

When I first get my hands on the whole thing, it was heavy.
Sobri kinda warned me that it's heavy but I was like "Pft, no biggie, I had worse when I was 7."
Although this is not even close to what I've experienced but it is heavier than I expected.
My sister jokingly said it may be a rock inside instead of a mic hahahhaha
This is how the back of the box looks like.
Down there is the chart of the functions built in the mic.
Although there's an upgraded version of this mic but many would still prefer to get this instead of that. I mean, you're spending a few more ten DOLLARS, not ringgit, for just not too much of changes. Well, you can kinda do a little research about the differences between them.

I swear, these are the cutest yeti that I've ever seen!

Removed from the box and there's another box :D
So let's open it :)

First thing you will see is a simple manual book and also the usb cord of the mic.

Then, after taking it out from the box, this is the last layer of the 'protection'.

Look at how gorgeous it is!
(Although it said silver version but it's a bit more brown-er than I thought...) 

Some small detail.. 

What you're seeing here is how the front and the back sides of the microphone looks like.

You must be curious about the functions (if you haven't do any research on this product)
The chart shows that each function has different ways to record.
It's either you want it to record only in one direction, two directions, maybe three directions and lastly, four directions.

I was really tired but testing it out really excites me :D
I MUST say that this mic does a lot better than my previous mic, at least 60% better.

Volume: Loud, even when the system volume for mic is at 18.
Clarity: Clear. Sounds that are very small and hardly heard by naked ears can be recorded.
Pro: Multi-function that allows you to use this in a very convenient way, loud and clear, able to plug in and adjust volume for headphones, mute-button, detachable.
Con: Too sensitive, hard to look for shockmount, slightly too heavy, easily picking up other noises if without tools like voice absorber.

So, that's basically how I think of it.
I just got it for less than 24hours, so maybe there might be some other comments about this mic.
But I think I would keep using this for a long time.

If you happen to plan to buy this and you're worried not because the mic doesn't suit you, don't be, because to me, he is quite trustworthy. I mean, he came all the way from WangsaMaju with his bike to KLCC just to hand me the microphone and wanted to handshake me first.
I think he recognise me as the green-eyed one because I was wearing my contact lenses while meeting him up hahahha

That's all for today, enjoy your day! :)

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