Did you know that a 3-wick Candle (large candle) costs RM130?
Can you also guess how much did I spend here?
For 9 items, I've spent RM313 on them.
WHAAAAT ?!?!?!?
HOW ?!?!?!??!??!?
Well, actually, Bath and Body Works had a sale :)
I've bought four 3-Wick Candles, two condensed room scent spray, one hand wash and one hand sanitizer, which later on I've got one mini body gel for free.

Here's a tip: If you want to buy newer candles that are in discounted sections, go to the newest store which is now located at Sunway Pyramid! They have better store decor, newer products and newer paper bag. (Wait, how did you know bout the paper bag?) The paper bag I've gotten in Midvalley is a little yellowed. Besides, all of their discounted items are either too disgusting for majority or out of season (christmas scents lmao).
It's kinda obvious that they look heavy but a 3-Wick Candle only weight 411g (14.5oz)
It can be pretty heavy when you put all of them into a bag.
(You could also risk breaking the paper bag.)
Here's a warning sign tho. Never burn when no one is there to supervise it.
I have to be honest that when I was scent-hunting, I almost throw up in the store because some smells are just simply disgusting to me. Some of those scents were okay for my bestie, which I cannot understand how she doesn't feel nauseous after smelling it but I do. Anyway, let's check out the first scent that caught my attention.
Farmland Apple (RM39 after 70% off)
This scent isn't the best smelling one but it does smell alright to me. It smells very, very much like apple scented handwash from Watsons. The one with green liquid. Hmm, now that I've mentioned it, it does smell more like green apple than red apple.... Not sure why it's in red packaging haha.
But another reason why I bought this is because I'm recently into white / light magick stuff. I've been eyeing some stuff from the occult online shop but damn the shipping fee is crazy.
Anyway, they said that if you dress candles with suitable essential oil, they can work better to bring you the achievement you requested, e.g.: protection, fortune, love, etc. Red is associated to Attraction/Love. Yeah... I'm looking for someone to love me HAHAHHA But all of these are just for fun. If I were to be serious, I'd be migrating to the states already.
The second scent that caught my attention:
Beach Blossoms (RM65 after 50% off)
It smells exactly just like its name. A little beach scent and a little bit of floral scent, something like lavender or lilac. It's hard to determine the scent correctly because they never put any description on the product :/ (Boooooo)
White colour candle wax suits this product well.
While the previous two were bought from the Mid Valley branch, the candles below were from the Pyramid Branch instead.
Fresh Cut Lilacs (RM65 after 50% off)
God, I love this scent soooooo much. It's so goooooood. It smells like fresh flowers with sweet, sweet after-scent. The whole packaging also helped brightening up the mood. Gosh, I wish I know how to describe this product in details but it's hard. I guess the best way to describe is that, this is the best scent I've ever smelled in the entire store! Both of the stores! It's really just sooooo goooooood.
The whole thing is just perfect. The smell. The packaging. The colour combinations. GYAH!
Jasmine Waters (RM65 after 50% off)
Ok, this is actually for my little sister. I asked a sales guy, stating that my sister's preferences are a lot guyish than any girls. (She likes heavy bikes and shooter games.) So at first I asked if he likes the candle with subtle apple scent but he preferred this one instead. "This one has stronger scent and it smells better," he said. So I took his suggestion and because I was a little scared, I called my little sister and ended up waking her up from her nap. I asked her if she's okay with Jasmine scent, without hesitation, she said yes multiple times. (She doesn't know I'm giving her this. She did ask me why did I asked her such an odd question but I just walk away while saying that I needed a suggestion.)
It has a lovely Jasmine scent that doesn't feel too strong or too sweet.
I bought other stuffs from both of these stores too.
Initially I wanted to go to B&BW because I wanted to buy a gift for my guy friend. But as I was approaching the store, it was filled with "Discount" labels. Not sure if it was my luck or what haha.
So I got him this deep cleansing hand wash.
It is called Aloe Agave.
It has a breezy beach scent in it, pretty suitable for guys. There's also small little beads in it. I think the beads are the melting-type instead of plastic beads. A small little amount of it can be very soapy. So if you're getting one of these, make sure you don't squeeze out too much of the content.
The last thing I got for my friend is this room scent in Coconut Mahogany.
It smells just right for guys but not too musky. The scent has a very gentle guyish feeling to it.
For myself tho, I got myself another room spray in White Gardenia scent (RM18 after 50% discount). They smell incredible. Similar to the Lilac scent but stronger.
It suits better for bigger rooms. You can spray in a small room but make sure that it is absolutely ventilated and at the same time, you can't spray too long. A little goes a long way as well.
Now because I'm close to the amount of getting a freebie, I grabbed this hand sanitizer into my cart during checkout. It is called as Pretty As A Peach (RM10 original price). It smells refreshing, almost as if it could wake me up from a boring lecture.
Just like its name, it has a peachy scent but not very strong. It's the dominant scent that makes you feel refreshing but I can't really identify what smell it is similar to. I could only describe it as a happy scent.
On the other hand, the freebie that I obtained is this mini body gel in the scent of Magic In The Air. The sales girl in Midvalley Branch had suggested me to get a candle in this scent but I prefered Beach Blossoms. This one smells similar but without too much of the beach scent and it smells a bit heavier as well. It is also a bit more subtle than Beach Blossoms.
It is a lot soapier than the hand was and the after-shower scent still lingers strongly on my skin.
So, that is all for my haul!
If you want to purchase candles during promotions too, bad news for you, they don't have a Malaysia version of Facebook page so there isn't much updates. There isn't an official website for Malaysia too. The only way to get updates is when you sign up for newsletter at the cashier counter of each branch.
That is all for my blog post!
See ya in the next :)
it is great to visit your site.great blog.thanks for sharing it.